2023-10-31 經文 Verses

‭‭以賽亞書‬ ‭52:13‭-‬14‬ ‭[13] 我的僕人行事必有智慧, 必被高舉上升, 且成為至高。 [14] 許多人因他驚奇; 他的面貌比別人憔悴; 他的形容比世人枯槁。

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭52:13‭-‬14‬ [13] Look! My servant will do well. He will move up to a high place where people will honour him as great. [14] At one time, when people saw him, they were very upset. His body became completely spoiled, so that he no longer seemed to be a man. He did not seem to have a human body.

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