2023-10-24 經文 Verses

‭‭以賽亞書‬ ‭45:21‭-‬22‬
[21] 你們要述說陳明你們的理, 讓他們彼此商議。 誰從古時指明? 誰從上古述說? 不是我-耶和華嗎? 除了我以外,再沒有上帝; 我是公義的上帝,又是救主; 除了我以外,再沒有別神。 [22] 地極的人都當仰望我, 就必得救; 因為我是上帝,再沒有別神。

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭45:21‭-‬22‬ ‭[21] Now decide together what you will say in court! Tell me what you think! Who said a long time ago what would happen? Who spoke about it long before it happened? It was I, the Lord! There is nobody else like me. There is no other God, except me. I am a righteous God and I save my people. There is no other God. [22] So turn to me and I will make you safe. I say that to everybody all over the world. Turn to me, because I am God. There is nobody else like me.

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